Adam Kauk writes about books, teaching, and unusual self-improvement ideas
Thursday, December 22, 2011
How to Unsubscribe on Youtube
1. Click on the button that has your username (top right). This will bring down some options under it, one of which is a "Subscriptions" link.
2. Click on the "Subscriptions" link. This will take you to your subscriptions page. On the left side, you should see all of the channels you are subscribed to in a vertical stack.
3. Click on the channel that you want to unsubscribe from. Then near the top you will see a link with the channel name and to the right of that a link that says, "Edit subscription."
4. Click on "Edit subscription." Right under that link will appear a radio-button menu with an option that says "Unsubscribe from [channel name]"
5. Click on "Unsubscribe from [channel name]".
6. Click on "Update" to save the change or else all of the other work will be for naught.
I had to sign out and sign back in to see the change fully be implemented, so you may have to do that also.
Enjoy the "found time."
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Can't sign into Evernote
Today I had this little problem. I couldn't sign into Evernote. It's the strangest thing. There is nothing on their front page for signing in. Why? Don't they want people to use their site/service. I think they had the desktop mobile apps first, so there wasn't a web app, but now they have web-based apps, so people should be able to easily sign into the service directly from a web-browser.
Anyway, after a little digging, I found out that you can sign in here:
I believe I found it by typing in, which redirects to .
Then once you are signed in, if you want to go to the evernote web home, you go to . Or if that doesn't work, try going to again.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
What are the three most beautiful words?
Did you notice how I didn't say "in the English language". Cliche, right? exactly. Anyway...
Like a good little writer, I keep you waiting a little bit by starting out with...
Phrases that are not the three most beautiful words
1. I love you
2. Sex, money, fame,
3. rock and roll
4. mom and dad (getting warmer, though)
5. time to eat
Thank you for waiting. I know you're probably skipping this paragraph anyway, so...
The three most beautiful words
"did you know..."
Use that phrase, and people are hooked. Everyone wants to know (something new). It's the key.
Finally, notice how I started the post: "Did you no[tice].."
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Moneyball--True to Life Version
The ironic thing about the movie is that the reason it's successful is probably largely because it has Brad Pitt, a big name actor, which is kind of the opposite of the moneyball philosophy (find undervalued players to fulfill your needs). A movie more analogous to the actual season would be filled with actors you've never heard of but which are still good. It wouldn't make much money (like the A's), but it would be nominated for four Oscars. It would win three: best cinematography (like the 20 game win streak--cool at the time, but quickly forgotten), best actor (like the MVP that Tejada won), best supporting actor (like the Cy Young that Zito won). But it would lose the big one--best picture--just like the A's didn't make it to the world series. It would be an indie film, and after it is made, paramount would try to recruit the director for a big-time film they're making, but he would turn it down to keep on making indie films, which continue to not make much money.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Google plus needs slugs
Friday, April 01, 2011
“Our mission is to enable anyone to meet enable to meet and socialize with new people,” says Greg Tseng, the CEO of “We believe that aliens should also be able to meet new people.”
With that in mind, Tagged set up what they call an AAPI: Alien Application Program Interface, which allows radio signals coming in from space to communicate with their website and easily set up accounts. They sent out their own radio signals into the universe to advertise it.
Within a month, Tagged users were reporting messages in what appeared to a foreign language along with pictures of strange beings.
So far, no one was able to identify the language. “The letters are in our standard English alphabet, but the words and patterns have very little similarity to any of our human languages,” said Jason, the Tagged engineer who stepped up to try to decipher the mysterious messages. “We quickly hired an expert linguist, but there is still a lot of guessing involved.”
The pictures are being reviewed by experts, and Tagged is planning on releasing them if they are deemed to be authentic.
“There is still a lot of research to be done,” said Tseng. “But we believe that we have taken the first step in a very important area of inter-planet understanding and exploration.”
Saturday, January 22, 2011
My walks turn into runs,
my sticks turn into guns;
my speaking into shouts,
my winning into routs.
Friday, January 21, 2011
How do you pluralize prius?
It's also what Toyota is trying to figure out. Of course, they probably care more about the publicity in the choosing than the actual result.
So far, the most popular candidates are: priuses (of course), prii (sounds very Latin and proper), priori (apparently, the actual proper pluralization in later--also pretty cool sounding, much more cool sounding than prii [pree-ee]).
The problem is that the Latin word prius means prior, before (like prime). In other words, it's not a noun, so it's not pluralized like a regular Latin noun. This is why priora is the actual correct Latin way to pluralize it, but people don't want to pluralize it thusly because it would be too hard to remember and most people wouldn't know what your talking about.
But I'm thinking creatively. How about prisa (pronounced pree-za)? Ya, I know that would never work, but it sounds cool.
One thing I will say is that I'm not a fan of the other two options that Toyota put out there: prien and prium. I don't think -en is even a Latin plural construction. And I think it's chintzy that they didn't include priora in the options. Didn't they do their research? This apparently is a nod to people who like words, so why not provide what would be the actual proper answer as a possibility to vote on?
If you go here, you can actually vote on it. Even though I love the possibility of exotic answers, I'd rather keep them for poetic occasions and leave the practical answer as the official plural, so I voted for priuses. Currently, prii is leading with 40% and priuses is in second with 29%.