Thursday, December 22, 2011

How to Unsubscribe on Youtube

Today's featured slowdown: not being able to unsubscribe on Youtube.'s how to do it (now that I've found it out):

1. Click on the button that has your username (top right). This will bring down some options under it, one of which is a "Subscriptions" link.
2. Click on the "Subscriptions" link. This will take you to your subscriptions page. On the left side, you should see all of the channels you are subscribed to in a vertical stack.
3. Click on the channel that you want to unsubscribe from. Then near the top you will see a link with the channel name and to the right of that a link that says, "Edit subscription."
4. Click on "Edit subscription." Right under that link will appear a radio-button menu with an option that says "Unsubscribe from [channel name]"
5. Click on "Unsubscribe from [channel name]".
6. Click on "Update" to save the change or else all of the other work will be for naught.

I had to sign out and sign back in to see the change fully be implemented, so you may have to do that also.

Enjoy the "found time."

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Can't sign into Evernote


Today I had this little problem. I couldn't sign into Evernote. It's the strangest thing. There is nothing on their front page for signing in. Why? Don't they want people to use their site/service. I think they had the desktop mobile apps first, so there wasn't a web app, but now they have web-based apps, so people should be able to easily sign into the service directly from a web-browser.

Anyway, after a little digging, I found out that you can sign in here:

I believe I found it by typing in, which redirects to .

Then once you are signed in, if you want to go to the evernote web home, you go to . Or if that doesn't work, try going to again.