Monday, May 28, 2018

PBL assessment

PBL, or project based learning, is an effective way to help students engage actively with a topic while they are learning about it. Here I will describe a project that I designed, my plan for guiding the students through the project, and my rubric for assessing it.

Project: Global Warming Community Opinion Video

My students will create questions to find out people's knowledge and opinions about global warming, then they will go out into the community, ask people these questions and videotape the responses. They will also research the correct answers and provide them in the project deliverable along with community opinion. Finally they will make suggestions about how scientists can better communicate about global warming and climate change.

Read more about this project here.

Project execution

I will give my students two weeks to do this project. During this time, this is how I will monitor and follow their progress: The first step is: they have to make a plan for the project complete with milestones and the days when they will finish the milestones. Then that plan will be the basis for my monitoring. Every day or two, the team will make a short report telling what milestone they are working on and how far they've gotten toward completing it.

During the next day's class period, I will walk around to the different groups and discuss with them their report, their plan, and how they can stay on track to finish the project effectively and on time.

This way they get practice with project planning and management along with other parts of the project.

Project assessment

Here is my assessment rubric that I will use to evaluate the students. They will also receive this rubric.


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